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SK811-B-18600 16W 24-32V 600mA

Private custom drive power: according to the requirements of the design, more professional, more in line with customer requirements, customer trust is higher.
Private custom drive power: their own drive design, in line with the company's design style.
Private customized drive power supply: you can enjoy a production line of SECCE to produce quality products for you.


SK811-B-18600 16W 24-32V 600mA

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Number: 22003

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Classification: Product classification

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Brand: Mass flow

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Product Description

SK811-B-18600 16W 24-32V 600mA

Advantages of private customized drive power:
Private custom drive power: according to the requirements of the design, more professional, more in line with customer requirements, customer trust is higher.
Private custom drive power: their own drive design, in line with the company's design style.
Private customized drive power supply: you can enjoy a production line of SECCE to produce quality products for you.
Private customized drive power supply: customized by oneself, produced by secco, only for your family, unique to the market.
Private customized drive power supply: let your whole lamp and accessories integration, increase the overall design of the lamp, increase the added value of the lamp.
Private customized drive power: SECCOM provides excellent research and development, quality, production, marketing service team to serve you.

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